New Students and Families

We are excited you have enrolled with our district and can’t wait to help you set up for your future for success. Here is a little cheat sheet to help you during your 1st few weeks here.

School Information:

School Mascot: Chieftains
School Colors: Purple and White
Number of Students: 1200
Students in Building Per Day: 1000

A Day in the Life:

School Opens: 7:10A in Cafeteria and Main Gym
Official School Day: 7:44A - 2:35P
Class Periods Per Day: 9
Advanced Courses Offered: We have Advanced, Honors, College Credit Plus, and AP
Courses at Logan in a variety of academic areas.
Types of Electives Offered: The Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Choir, Band, Agriculture,
Industrial Technology, Family and Consumer Science, AFJROTC, Broadcast Technology,
Business, and Foreign Languages (Spanish, French, and American Sign Language)
Lunch: All students are provided a free lunch every day. You will need your student ID number.

Helpful Names to Know:

Principal: Ms. Snipes
Assistant Principals: Mrs. Boggs, Mr. Hacker, Mr. Spriggs
School Resource Officer: Officer Campbell
Counselors: Mrs. Schein (Last Name A-G), Mrs. Hall (H-Q), Mr. Hufford (R-Z)

Important Odds and Ends:

Breakfast: All students are provided a “Breakfast in the Classroom” where you can grab to-go items on your way to your 1st-period class.
Lockers/Bookbags/Coats: Students are permitted to keep their coats and book bags with them all day. Most students never use their lockers at Logan.
Phones: Cell phones are not allowed to be out or used during the school day. If they are seen they will be confiscated.

Your Information:

Welcoming Student:
Lunch Period and Code:
Bus Number:
AM Pick Up:
PM Drop Off:

What's it like to be a Chieftain?

Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus

Our school district uses the Infinite Campus software package to document everything from attendance to live grading updates. Parents make sure you fill this out to request your Parent Portal access so you can check in. Once that is all set up you can view "IC" one of three ways:

Infinite Campus Login Page

App Store Download

Google Play Download

Playing a Sport?

Playing a Sport?

If you played a sport at your old district and have moved in, make sure we get all the proper paperwork done so we can get you playing for the Chieftain Nation this season!