New Students and Families
We are excited you have enrolled with our district and can’t wait to help you set up for your future for success. Here is a little cheat sheet to help you during your 1st few weeks here.
School Information:
School Mascot: Chieftains
School Colors: Purple and White
Number of Students: 1200
Students in Building Per Day: 1000
A Day in the Life:
School Opens: 7:10A in Cafeteria and Main Gym
Official School Day: 7:44A - 2:35P
Class Periods Per Day: 9
Advanced Courses Offered: We have Advanced, Honors, College Credit Plus, and AP
Courses at Logan in a variety of academic areas.
Types of Electives Offered: The Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Choir, Band, Agriculture,
Industrial Technology, Family and Consumer Science, AFJROTC, Broadcast Technology,
Business, and Foreign Languages (Spanish, French, and American Sign Language)
Lunch: All students are provided a free lunch every day. You will need your student ID number.
Helpful Names to Know:
Principal: Ms. Snipes
Assistant Principals: Mrs. Boggs, Mr. Hacker, Mr. Spriggs
School Resource Officer: Officer Campbell
Counselors: Mrs. Schein (Last Name A-G), Mrs. Hall (H-Q), Mr. Hufford (R-Z)
Important Odds and Ends:
Breakfast: All students are provided a “Breakfast in the Classroom” where you can grab to-go items on your way to your 1st-period class.
Lockers/Bookbags/Coats: Students are permitted to keep their coats and book bags with them all day. Most students never use their lockers at Logan.
Phones: Cell phones are not allowed to be out or used during the school day. If they are seen they will be confiscated.
Your Information:
Welcoming Student:
Lunch Period and Code:
Bus Number:
AM Pick Up:
PM Drop Off:
What's it like to be a Chieftain?