LHMS Art Exhibitions Flyers

The Logan Hocking Middle School Visual Arts Instructors would like to invite you to come out and support the arts at the 8th Annual Perceptions Art Exhibition and the Urban Air Art Fair student art competition.

     Perceptions is being held at the Logan Theater on the 2nd floor located at 84 E. Main St. An opening reception was held this past Friday. The student artwork featured in this exhibition is from the second half of the school year and includes drawing, painting, watercolor, pastel, collage, mixed media, and ceramics. Light refreshments will be provided. The show runs through May 7. Additional exhibition hours are Sunday May 7th from 1 p.m.- 3 p.m.

     Students currently in 5th and 6th grade art at Logan-Hocking Middle School are participating in the Urban Air Art Fair again this year. The drawings for the Urban Air LHMS Student Art Competition will be displayed in storefront windows of participating stores in Downtown Logan through May 5th. Families of students and the general public are invited to come to the downtown shops and vote on their favorite entry. The entry with the most votes will be awarded the People’s Choice Award. You can either vote in person inside the stores or with the QR code posted on the window. 

     The Urban Air “Wake Up Downtown” Event will take place on the streets of downtown Logan from May 4th through the 6th. The art competition is sponsored by the Urban Air organization. They have put together a panel of professional artists to judge the top entries selected by the art teachers and they will be awarding prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. The winners will be announced at the Worthington Gazebo on Saturday, May 6th at 5 p.m.