The Maya Burrito Gallery has some fabulous work on display by some of the Honors 8 art students at Logan-Hocking Middle School.Seed Pod Dreams and Visions showcases amazing close-up drawings of vegetation created by young artists under the guidance of veteran art teacher Mrs. Roxanna Lehman. Based on the work of Judith Bergerson and other artists, the bright colors and undulating textures transport the viewer to a world of wonderment. Artists featured include: Mila Batholomew, Benni Brooks, Kaydance Collins, Gracey Gillespie, Kya Hoy, Jillian Kochheiser, Amaya Rush, Cara Stapleton, Aiden Tucker, and Adrianna Williams. Come to Maya Burrito before March 31st to view this impressive show.
Seed Pod Dreams and Visions at Maya Burrito
March 13, 2024