Following a public hearing earlier in the evening, the Board of Education of the Logan-Hocking Local School District adopted a tax budget for Fiscal Year 2026 (7/1/25 – 6/30/26) at its Organizational Meeting held on Wednesday, January 15, 2025.  Treasurer Paul Shaw prepared the tax budget and recommended its approval to the Board.


Treasurer Shaw reminded the Board that the Tax Budget is an important step in a school district’s fiscal planning.  It is the financial plan for a district’s operation for the next fiscal year.  Not only is it a legal mandate that a budget be approved, but it is also the basis for the levying of taxes.  A district must show evidence of financial need in order to collect all millage voted for school purposes.


The Fiscal Year 2026 Tax Budget, based on November 2024 projections and the current five-year financial forecast, reflects a General Fund budget of $52.9 million.  This reflects a 3.8% increase over the current year budget numbers.  According to Treasurer Shaw, the tax budget clearly demonstrates to the Hocking County Budget Commission the need to levy taxes as previously approved by local taxpayers for school purposes.


The Treasurer also distributed the attached bar graph indicating that the currently approved tax rates for the School District (32.45 total mills) are the lowest they have been for at least the most recent 25 years.  The total tax rates peaked in 2002 at 39 mills following the 2001 bond issue approval that built new schools across the School District.  School District tax rates are currently 6.55 mills less than they were in 2002.


For further information, contact Treasurer Paul Shaw at 740.385.8517 or at


Tax Rates Graph

PFS: Tax Budget FY25 Press Release 01.10.24