Logan High School Track & Field Information
1. First Practice is Monday, February 24th.
2. Mandatory Parent Meeting in the HS cafeteria, Wednesday, February 26th @ 5:30.
3. When attending practice, we all will enter the chieftain center and get changed in
the locker rooms and then report to the band bleachers in the chieftain stadium,
or meet inside based on weather.
4. If you know your specific training group, now would be a good time to think
about getting spikes, good running shoes, and throwing shoes. We have extras if
you need a pair.
5. Practice time. The goal is to start by 2:45. Practice end time depends on your
training group and could vary from day to day. Sprinters= 4:15, Distance= 4:45,
Throwers= 4:30.
6. Make sure you have a current physical on file in the athletic office before the first
7. Please login to final forms and make sure everything is completed.
8. If you are still in a winter sport when practice starts, that is not a problem.
Communicate with coaches on your start date.
9. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact coach sturgell.
Boys, Track Coach, jsturgell@lhsd.k12.oh.us,
Girls Track Coach, triddlebarger@lhsd.k12.oh.us