Dear Board of Education, Staff and Community Members,
Currently, our state legislators are preparing a state budget that will determine whether to fairly fund Ohio schools by completing the implementation of the Fair School Funding Plan. Unfortunately, the Logan-Hocking Local School District is forecasted to lose $2.5 million is state aid over the next two years as proposed! We need to take action AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to head this off by the new state budget start date of July 1, 2025.
The Ohio House and Senate took a giant step forward for students and schools by enacting the Fair School Funding Plan in 2021. The Fair School Funding Plan was developed by school district leaders and expert practitioners. I participated in its development. It translates real student needs into concrete resources by accounting for essential education components like appropriate class sizes, student support services, and educational technology. The formula treats all taxpayers fairly based on their community’s ability to raise local funds.
The implementation of the Fair School Funding Plan formula represents a move toward the equitable and adequate funding of Ohio’s schools. However, the plan years 5 and 6 of the implementation MUST be included in the new budget and BASE COST INPUTS MUST be updated to provide the funding necessary due to inflation. TO NOT UPDATE BASE COST INPUTS RESULTS IN ADDITIONAL BURDEN BEING PASSED ON TO LOCAL TAXPAYERS DISPROPORTIONATELY AND UNFAIRLY! This was not intended by the developers of the Fair School Funding Plan!
Additionally, the Governor’s budget calls for reducing “guarantee funding”. Logan-Hocking Local School District (Logan-Hocking) receives state guarantee funding which guarantees that Logan-Hocking does not receive LESS state funding than we received in Fiscal Year 2020.
There are several reasons Logan-Hocking receives guarantee funding. First, the increased “wealth” from rising property values and the natural gas pipeline (Leach Xpress) triggered this funding. If a district’s property values increase, the State assumes it has a stronger local tax base and may reduce state funding accordingly. Secondly, declining student enrollment results in less per pupil state funding. The District has not seen enough enrollment growth or state funding formula changes to increase its state funding naturally. Thirdly, historical stagnant or minimal increases in state budgets over time leads to guarantees.
You may wonder why the guarantee matters for school districts. The guarantees serve as a financial safety net, preventing drastic funding cuts in a short period. Districts on the guarantee often face financial uncertainty, as the state periodically reduces or eliminates funding, forcing them to adapt by cutting programs or increasing local taxes. The current Board of Education is NOT in favor of cutting essential programming and is NOT in favor of increasing the tax burden on its residents! The District constantly works to operate effective, efficient and economically.
Every dollar invested in our local schools impacts our local economy and our future workforce. Once fully implemented, the Fair School Funding Plan will bring predictability and stability for Ohio schools, allowing districts to sustain and develop programming that will prepare all students for success. That means Ohio, and Logan-Hocking Local School District, will continue to be a desirable place to live, work and raise a family.
We need to contact our legislators now more than ever to provide information about our school district and why the funding is important to support programs and services for our students. As a result of the items mentioned above, Logan-Hocking is projected to see a reduction of over $2.5 million in state aid over the next two years. If funds are lost, the District would need to take additional actions to reduce spending and balance its budget.
Logan-Hocking has managed its funds and has not taken a new operating tax levy to its taxpayers since 1981 – nearly 44 years – nearly unheard of in the State of Ohio!
It is vital that legislators hear from you regarding the Fair School Funding Plan.
Over the next week, please take the time to do one or more of the following:
1. Call the following legislators who represent our school district:
a. Representative Kevin Miller (614) 466-2500
b. Representative Mark Johnson (614) 644-7928
c. Senator Tim Schaffer (614) 466-8076
d. Senator Shane Wilkin (614) 466-8156
2. Email each legislator a short, paragraph-long email:
a. House member email: Miller
b. House member email: Johnson
c. Senator email: Schaffer
d. Senator email: Wilkin
3. Send a hard-copy letter to each legislator:
a. Miller: 77 S High Street, 13th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215
b. Johnson: 77 S High Street, 12th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215
c. Schaffer: Senate Building, 1 Capitol Square, First Floor 137, Cols, OH 43215
b. Wilkin: Senate Building, 1 Capitol Square, Second Floor 221, Cols., OH 43215
What do you say?
· Tell them who you are and from what viewpoint you are writing (community member, parent, teacher, school staff member, etc.). My name is (NAME) and I am a (ROLE) in the Logan-Hocking Local School District.
· Share in a few sentences why you support your public school, providing examples of the how your public school provides value to you, your family, and the community. I am writing/calling to ask (LEGISLATOR NAME) to support the full implementation of the Fair School Funding Plan with updated inputs to account for inflation and to continue the inclusion of guarantee funding. This is important to me because… Please represent our community in Columbus by fully phasing in the Fair School Funding Plan with updated base costs and by continuing “guarantee funding”.
It is often said that we are willing to fund what we value. As our legislators begin discussions of priorities for the biennium budget, they need to hear from you about the importance and urgency of investing in Ohio’s children.
I urge you to join me in reaching out to our elected leaders to share your support for the full implementation of the Fair School Funding Plan and the importance of investing in Ohio’s future.
Thank you for your continued support of our students and the Logan-Hocking Local School District. You are appreciated!
Treasurer, Logan-Hocking Local School District
(740)385-8517 extension 30100