Fire Safety

Elementary students across the district have participated in a fire safety program at school. Students have learned about smoke alarms and how to stay safe from a fire at home via a survey. As homework, students and families were asked to count and push the test button on all the smoke alarms in their home. Students reported on how many alarms they have and how many are working. Students also participated in a pre and post assessment to see how much safety knowledge was gained through the program. The results are in!

Total Surveys returned : 275              

            115 from Chieftain

            129 from Central

            31 from Union Furnace

Total number of homes identified in need of smoke alarms : 59 (THAT’S ALMOST 60 HOMES THAT WILL BE MADE SAFE FROM THIS PROGRAM!!)

            26 from Chieftain

            17 from Central

            16 from Union Furnace

Pre and post testing scores from all 3 schools together :

            Pre tests average score of 44.%

            Post tests average score of 87.6%   EXCELLENT WORK!!

Only working smoke alarms can protect the ones you love. The State Fire Marshal Prevention Bureau, Logan Fire Department and the Center for National Prevention Initiatives at the Michigan Public Health Institute want to make sure you have at least one alarm on every level of your home and alarms in your bedrooms and near other sleeping areas to protect your family while you sleep. We also want to help you prevent fires from starting in your home and to know what to do if your alarms go off.

Thank you for being part of the Home Fire Safety Patrol! Together, we can make sure that your family stays safe.