Children in Aprons

On November 18, 2021 students and their families participated in an after school family fun evening.

Families watched a video from called Turkey Trouble read by Marc Maron. After watching the video, students and families made an apron from a dishtowel and some ribbon. Once they finished their aprons, many wore them to create their edible turkey made from an oreo cookie, reese cup, edible googly eyes and some candy corn.

We drew 4 names for a door prize as well. Jacob Acker (5th grade) and Jason Moore Jordan (sibling to McKenna Detty) both won a pop-it. Parents, Brandi Baer and Angela Pinkstock won a mug with matching coaster.

A great time was had by all. I want to put a special thank you out to all of the people who helped make this happen: Christy Jones, Jacky Jones, Sheila Wolfe, Brice Frasure, Katie Phillips, Becca Potter and Christine Woodgeard. This would not have been as successful without you and your support.

I can't wait until our next one in December! We will be decorating a Christmas cookie and Christmas bulb!