Officer Smith begins his day bright and early, a little before seven. Heading to his office, Officer Smith checks his messages and heads out to direct traffic for parent drop-off. Afterward, he checks with the administration and the teachers at the middle school for any critical information or news. Officer Smith also uses this time to follow up with any students who were involved with any police-related incidents and work on paperwork. Then, he takes time to drop by during lunch periods to check if students have anything to discuss with him. Finally, he eats his lunch after all the students have eaten and prepares for the afternoon traffic.
As a resource officer, Officer Smith provides more than just student protection. He explains that resource officers have been taught to fulfill the roles suggested by the National Association of School Resource Officers, which are on a triangle. Officer Smith reveals that the three sides of the triad are “Teacher, Counselor, and then Law Enforcement.”
Providing help and guidance to students is one of the main reasons Officer Smith chose to pursue a career in law enforcement. He has certifications for law enforcement as well as firefighting. Although he has experience in both fields, Officer Smith states, “I like being a police officer more because I like working with kids.” Throughout his career in law enforcement, Officer Smith has been a friendly face for juveniles who need kindness and inspiration.
School resource officers are an excellent resource for students, although they have been affected by the stigma surrounding most police officers in recent years. It is crucial to realize that the actions of one individual do not effectively portray a group as a whole. Therefore, students should treat all resource officers with respect, as they genuinely care about every student in Hocking County and are willing to risk their lives to protect their students.
Especially for those looking towards law enforcement as a future career, Officer Smith is a great role model. With the right motivation, almost anyone who stays out of trouble and works hard can become a respected member of Logan’s police department.
School resource officers are important in protecting students and have become a pillar of safety in Hocking County schools. They fulfill many roles and are an excellent resource for students who are struggling and may need a friendly adult to reach out to.