Students at Logan High School in FCCLA, led by Erica Brown, earned many awards at the state conference. Sarah Leon received her State Degree, Platinum level for community service, and announced the 2022-2023 State First Vice President.

Kylie Arnett received Gold and 1st place in the state for Fashion Construction.

Tamera Colson received Gold and 2nd place in the state for Public Policy Advocate.

Oliva Rayburn received Gold and 2nd place in the state for Chapter Service Project Portfolio.

Kallie Nelson and Mira Burns received Gold and 2nd place in the state for Sustainability Challenge.

Megan Karns received Gold and 3rd place in the state for Career Investigation.

The chapter received Gold for Outstanding Chapter and was recognized for its level of engagement with National Programs.

Funky Sock is a program within FCCLA to help others in need.

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