LHSD Employee Photo Showcase

The Maya Burrito Gallery welcomes the photographs captured by the employees of the Logan-Hocking School District in the LHSD Employee Photo Showcase.  This exhibition features a variety of images from landscapes to portraits of both novice and experienced photographers. The display this year is broken into two showings.      

The first showing runs from May 27 - July 20. Participating artists are Tiffany Riddlebarger, 8th Grade Intervention Specialist; Katelynn Phillips, Attendant; Sarah Todd, Intervention Specialist; Britney Bourne, Substitute/Additional Staff; Erin Lehman, Transportation Aide; Holly Borer, Kindergarten Teacher; Ariel Rutter, Attendant; and Holly Fetherolf, Intervention Specialist.

The second showing runs from July 22 - August 29. Participating artists are Will Mutters, Teacher; Jarrod Crawford, Network Engineer; Erika Enmen, Language Arts Teacher; Angella Boyer, 6th Grade Science Teacher; Cristie Collins, Science Teacher; Will Mutters, teacher; Tina Shonborn, Technology Teacher; Lisa Blank, Elementary Art Teacher; Crystal Patton, MH Aide and new Library Aide; and Debbie Heath, Principal.

Maya Burrito Gallery is located at 12 E. Main Street in Logan. Stop and view the creative photographic compositions of our friends at the Logan-Hocking School District!