
1. Students must have a current physical on file in final forms and must have final forms

completed to be able to practice. For indoor track athletes, register on final forms for

outdoor track & field since there is no indoor track option to choose.


2. Indoor Middle School Track & Field will be open to middle school students 7th, and 8th


3. When is practice? It depends on what training group you choose. It is possible to train in

both training groups, the athletes schedule will be worked out with the coaches!

Sprint Group - Starting the week of november 18th; Sprinters will go Tuesdays,

Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:50 to 4:00. Included in the sprint group are hurdles,

long jump, and high jump. If you are interested in pole vaulting, that will happen on

Tuesdays & Thursdays, same time, 2:50 to 4:00. So, if an athlete is interested in pole

vault, they would come to practice Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and friday.

Distance Runners - Will start practice on november 12th. First Practice will be Tuesday

November 12th. However, if you don’t start on the first day, it is totally fine. When you

turn in your permission slip we will mark you down to come to practice! Practice on most

days goes to 4:45.

Throwers Group - Practice will start on Monday November 18th, throwers will practice

everyday except for Thursdays or otherwise told by the coach not to practice. Practice

on most days goes to 4:45.

4. Where is practice? In the Chieftain Center.

5. How do the student athletes get to practice? If the student rides a bus, Coach Sturgell

will notify the bus garage that the student can get off at the high school, and then

students will walk to the chieftain center. If the student athletes get picked up, simply

drop your son or daughter off at chieftain center after school.

6. IMPORTANT- Due to the bus garage needing to know what students will be getting

dropped off at the high school, I will need to know who will be attending practice. If you

turn in the permission slip, we will add you to the list and the bus garage will get notified

that you will be getting dropped off at the high school. If your bus does not go to the high

school, you will be assigned a different bus to ride over to the high school.

-Questions? Boys Coach-Coach Sturgell- jsturgell@lhsd.k12.oh.us,

Girls Coach- Tiffany Riddlebarger- triddlebarger@lhsd.k12.oh.us

-There is also a Remind account that will be used for information, announcements and

cancellations. Please sign up !! Indoor Track 2024-2025, Class Code is 4cgag2k.

-Athletes can see Coach Sturgell in the gym for permission slip and calendar.