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A primary objective of the Logan-Hocking School District is to provide a safe environment where all students are provided with the best opportunities for learning success. The Logan-Hocking School District is committed to ensuring that all efforts are made to create a district-wide safe learning environment by conducting a variety of safety-related drills and activities throughout the school year.

Each year the students at Logan-Hocking Middle School conduct fire, school-safety, and tornado drills, as required by the state. Every 3 years we are required to do a Full Scale School Safety Drill. This is not only a required drill but it is good practice for our students, staff, and county agencies in the event that a real emergency would occur. This multi-agency drill will take place on Friday, December 9th at Logan-Hocking Middle School. This will be a full-scale live drill. These drills provide opportunities for all stakeholders to identify the strengths of our emergency operations plans, as well as weaknesses that need to be addressed to continue to provide the safest learning environment possible for our students and staff.

Staff at Logan-Hocking Middle School continually reinforce school safety procedures with our students but this week there will be an increased focus on school safety drill procedures in the classrooms. Staff have been briefed on how to prepare students in the event an emergency does occur and will be going over those procedures all week with students in order to prepare for this full scale drill.

Staff will be debriefing with students following the drill and LHMS administration will be meeting with Law Enforcement personnel to debrief and address any concerns that arise during the drill.

It is important that we, the Logan-Hocking School District, continue to take a proactive, rather than a reactive approach to school safety-related issues and concerns. Please talk to your child about school safety and about the upcoming drill at Logan-Hocking Middle School.

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Chad Grow, LHS Principal by phone at 740-385-8764 ext. 12001 or by email at