On April 27, Mrs. Ballinger's 5th and 6th grade TAG math classes, along with the help of Mr. Forgrave and Mrs. Fowler, were given the opportunity to participate in a field trip to the Bishop Educational Gardens, hosted by Rebecca Miller from Hocking County Soil and Water. This trip was sponsored by the Bishop Educational Gardens in order to help students to gain knowledge that they could apply to their work with the development of a school garden that is to be located on the middle school grounds. The purpose of their garden is to be able to provide local produce to our students, cafeterias, and community food bank, as well as beginning to beautify the landscape at the middle school and create a unique outdoor learning environment.
While at the gardens, students rotated through four different stations where they were able to acquire a variety of knowledge that can directly be applied to their work in their own garden. Students were able to begin planting and weeding for the Bishop Gardens' butterfly greenhouse, they learned about different soil types, how to attract and deter certain species of wildlife, and about types of plants that are native to Hocking County as well as those that are invasive. While at lunch students also learned about ‘Leave No Trace,' as well as the differences between items that can be recycled, those that can be composted, and those that should go to the landfill. Students were also given the opportunity to explore the garden during their visit, and they were able to take photos of all of the wonderful elements of nature that they were exposed to.
Students are so thankful for this opportunity, and extremely grateful to those volunteers who have already been working to help us!
If you are interested in finding out more information about the 5th and 6th grade TAG math class' garden service learning project, or if you are interested in making a donation to support our efforts please contact Summer Ballinger at sballinger@lhsd.k12.oh.us.