laptop with screen reading remote learning

Dear LHMS Families,

Well it is looking like we are in for at least 6 more weeks of winter according to Punxsutawney Phil. That being said, we have now exhausted 7 calamity days due to weather this school year. We will be making up 2 of those days. Day 1 Make Up will be Monday, February 21st and Day 2 Make Up will be Monday, March 14th. Any additional calamity days will result in Remote Learning Days. We would like to outline that plan for you should we need to activate our Remote Learning Plan.

LHMS Remote Learning Plans:

Remote Learning Purple Plan - School is canceled - Staff will report 2 Hours Late to LHMS

-Students learn Remotely at home

-Lessons will be posted to Google Classroom by 9:40am

-Teachers will hold Live Sessions of Google Meets following the 2-hour Delay Schedule

-Students can complete the Google Classroom Assignments and login to the Google Meets to interact with their teacher should they have questions.

-Teachers will be available via email throughout the school day.

-Teacher email addresses can be found in Infinite Campus or on the Logan-Hocking Middle School Website on the Staff Directory.

-Students should make an attempt to complete all school work during the Remote Learning Day but if a student does not have access to a device and is unable to complete assignments, they will be given an opportunity to make up the assignment later.

Remote Learning White Plan - School is canceled - Staff will NOT report to LHMS

-Students learn Remotely at home

-Lessons will be posted to Google Classroom by 9:40am

-Students can complete the Google Classroom Assignments

-Teachers will be available via email throughout the school day.

-Teacher email addresses can be found in Infinite Campus or on the Logan-Hocking Middle School Website on the Staff Directory.

-Students should make an attempt to complete all school work during the Remote Learning Day but if a student does not have access to a device and is unable to complete assignments, they will be given an opportunity to make up the assignment later.

Notification will go out during the morning of the next Calamity Day with the type of Remote Learning Plan that LHMS will be using.

We understand that weather is unpredictable and there is the possibility of power outages, loss of internet service, etc. Teachers will be accommodating with students to allow time to make up the work that they are unable to complete on Remote Learning Days due to unforeseen circumstances.

Please check the LHMS Website for updates or additional information concerning Remote Learning Days.


LHMS Administration