5th Grade Band Meetings THIS WEEK!
Organizational meetings for beginning fifth grade band students in the Logan-Hocking School District have been scheduled for the following nights.
* Students with last names A - K.....................Wed. Sept. 22, 2021, 6:30 p.m.
* Students with last names L- Z.....................Thurs. Sept. 23, 2021, 6:30 p.m.
*NOTE: Each meeting night is held at the Middle School Theatre at 6:30 p.m. Strict
COVID protocols will be followed. Masks are required.
All beginning fifth grade band students are required to be tested on an instrument before choosing one to play. Students must be in attendance at one of the above meetings with a parent or guardians.
Representatives from C.A. House Music in Lancaster will be available to explain the
rental-purchase plan and collect the individual student instrument cards as well as test students on instruments. Those signing contracts for instruments will have those delivered when classes begin.
Families who have a conflict with their specific meeting night may attend the other meeting night at the Middle School or go to C.A. House Music in Lancaster this week to be tested on an instrument. C.A. House Music is located at 236 W. Sixth Street in Lancaster, just off of Memorial Drive, in the small shopping center on the right (traveling from Logan).
Beginning band classes will start the week of October 11, 2021